The question “How old is God?” is one that spans across the realms of theology, philosophy, and science. While the concept of age is well understood in human terms, applying it to a deity, especially one considered timeless and eternal, presents unique challenges. In this article, we’ll explore various perspectives on the age of God, drawing from religious texts, philosophical arguments, and scientific viewpoints.

Theological Perspectives
Judeo-Christian View
In Judeo-Christian theology, God is often described as eternal. The Bible, particularly the Old Testament, offers several passages that highlight God’s timeless nature. For instance, Psalm 90:2 states, “Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” This suggests that God exists beyond the confines of time as humans understand it.
In the New Testament, the concept of God’s eternal nature is further emphasized. Revelation 1:8 quotes God as saying, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” This implies that God encompasses all of time and is not subject to the limitations of aging or temporal progression.

Islamic View
Islam also portrays God (Allah) as eternal. The Quran frequently describes Allah as having no beginning or end. Surah Al-Hadid (57:3) states, “He is the First and the Last, the Ascendant and the Intimate, and He is, of all things, Knowing.” This highlights the belief that God exists outside the bounds of time, without a specific age.

Hindu View
Hinduism offers a complex and multifaceted view of divinity, but certain texts suggest the eternal nature of the gods. For instance, the Bhagavad Gita describes Krishna, an incarnation of the god Vishnu, as timeless. In Chapter 4, Verse 6, Krishna says, “Although I am unborn and My transcendental body never deteriorates, and although I am the Lord of all living entities, I still appear in every millennium in My original transcendental form.” This underscores the belief in the eternal existence of the divine.

Philosophical Perspectives
The Concept of Eternality
Philosophers have long grappled with the concept of eternality. In classical philosophy, particularly within the works of Plato and Aristotle, the idea of an eternal, unchanging deity is central. Plato’s “Forms” and Aristotle’s “Unmoved Mover” are both conceptualizations of a divine entity that exists outside of time and change.
Timelessness and Metaphysics
Modern philosophy continues to explore the nature of time and eternity. One significant perspective is the distinction between timelessness and everlastingness. A timeless being exists outside of time altogether, whereas an everlasting being exists within time but without beginning or end. Some philosophers argue that God is timeless, not bound by temporal constraints, while others contend that God is everlasting, experiencing an infinite duration of time.

Process Theology
Process theology offers a different view, suggesting that God is in a constant state of becoming rather than a static being. According to this perspective, God evolves with the universe and experiences time, though in a way fundamentally different from humans. This idea challenges traditional views of God’s eternal nature but provides a dynamic understanding of the divine.
Scientific Perspectives
The Universe and Time
From a scientific standpoint, the age of the universe is estimated to be about 13.8 billion years. This timeline is based on observations of cosmic microwave background radiation and the expansion rate of the universe. However, science does not typically address the age of God, as this falls outside the empirical realm of scientific inquiry.

Cosmology and Theology
Cosmologists sometimes intersect with theological discussions when considering the origin of the universe. The Big Bang theory, which describes the universe’s beginning, raises questions about what preceded it and whether a divine entity could have initiated it. Some theologians argue that the Big Bang aligns with the concept of creation ex nihilo (creation out of nothing), suggesting a divine origin. However, these discussions remain speculative and are not universally accepted among scientists or theologians.
The Multiverse Hypothesis
Another scientific theory that intersects with theological ideas is the multiverse hypothesis. This proposes the existence of multiple, perhaps infinite, universes beyond our own. If true, it complicates the question of God’s age, as it implies a broader, possibly infinite context for divine action. However, like the Big Bang, the multiverse remains a theoretical construct without definitive empirical evidence.

Comparative Religious Insights
Buddhism does not traditionally focus on a creator deity, but it does address the concept of time and existence in profound ways. The Buddha taught about the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth (samsara), suggesting an eternal process rather than a single divine entity. Some Mahayana Buddhist texts, however, describe cosmic Buddhas who exist beyond time and space, offering a parallel to the eternal nature of God in other religions.
Sikhism emphasizes the timeless nature of God. The Guru Granth Sahib, the central religious scripture of Sikhism, refers to God as “Akal” (Timeless) and “Akal Purakh” (Timeless Being). This underscores the belief in a deity who transcends temporal boundaries, existing eternally without beginning or end.

Personal and Mystical Experiences
Mystics and Timelessness
Throughout history, mystics from various religious traditions have reported experiences of encountering the divine in ways that transcend time. These mystical experiences often describe a state of timelessness, where past, present, and future merge into a singular experience of the divine. Such accounts, while subjective, offer a glimpse into the human perception of God’s timeless nature.
Near-Death Experiences
Near-death experiences (NDEs) sometimes include encounters with a divine presence perceived as eternal. Individuals who have had NDEs often describe a sense of timelessness and an overwhelming feeling of peace and unity with a higher power. While these experiences are anecdotal and scientifically contentious, they contribute to the broader discussion of God’s nature and existence beyond time.

The Limits of Human Understanding
Cognitive Constraints
One of the primary challenges in addressing the age of God is the limitation of human cognition. Our understanding of time is deeply rooted in our physical existence and the observable universe. Concepts like eternity and timelessness are difficult to fully grasp, as they lie outside our direct experience and scientific measurement.
Language and Metaphor
Language also plays a crucial role in shaping our understanding of the divine. Terms like “eternal” and “timeless” are metaphors that attempt to convey the incomprehensible nature of God. These metaphors are limited by human experience and cultural context, which means they can only approximate the reality they aim to describe.
The question of how old God is invites us to explore the profound mysteries of time, existence, and the divine. Religious traditions offer various interpretations, from the eternal and timeless nature of God in Judeo-Christian, Islamic, and Hindu perspectives to the evolving deity of process theology. Philosophical discussions further illuminate the complexities of understanding a being outside time, while scientific insights provide a framework for considering the universe’s age and origins.
Ultimately, the concept of God’s age transcends human understanding, inviting us to contemplate the infinite and the eternal. Whether viewed through the lens of theology, philosophy, or personal experience, the divine remains a mystery that challenges and inspires our quest for knowledge and meaning.